Stuff Digital Edition

A very Kai-wi Christmas!

Kiwis are showing their love this holiday season in the most Kiwi of ways, by sharing kai.

“This year of all years Kiwis deserve a little something special for Christmas, and we are so proud to be a small part of making this happen,” Kiri Hannifin

ore than two and a half tonnes of kumara and potatoes ha e alread een donated towards Christmas roasts across otearoa this ear, likel to e chased down with a classic Kiwi trifle made from the kilos of custard powder also donated so far

n what has een a challen in ear for man , Kiwis are still showin the care with a record

, worth of food donated in the first week of this ear’s ood ank ro ect Christmas appeal, run each

ear the al ation rm and Countdown in the lead up to Christmas

n addition to the main course, , packets of onion soup and cans of condensed milk will com ine to make nearl litres of onion dip, and kilos of scorched almonds will e sure to add a little Christmas sweetness for families in need

his is an ama in response for the first week of our appeal, and we are a solutel lown awa the enerosit of Kiwis helpin us pull this to ether, said ono ell, Head of Communit inistries for he al ation rm e’re seein donations ran in from a ottle of tomato sauce ri ht throu h to lar e Christmas parcels, and e er sin le one will make thin s ust that little it easier for people doin it tou h o er Christmas t’s een an ama in start and hope we keep the momentum oin , ono sa s

he al ation rm sa is set to e their usiest Christmas et, with around

, food parcels e pected to e distri uted al ation rm food anks across the countr his ear of all ears Kiwis deser e a little somethin special for Christmas, and we are so proud to e a small part of makin this happen, said Kiri Hannifin Countdown’s irector, Corporate ffairs, afet and ustaina ilit he ood ank ro ect is ew ealand’s onl online food ank, where donors choose from a

ran e of products most needed for food parcels tems include fresh produce, meat and dair items ordered throu h Countdown, who pro ide the food at cost and pack and deli er it free to the nearest

al ation rm food ank

his ear’s Christmas appeal runs until ecem er

o donate, head to or in the speciall marked trolle in store at Countdown from onda o em er

Over 12,500 individual items were donated in the first week of the Foodbank Project Christmas appeal.

Very Kiwi donations so far have included:

• 735 cans of peaches

• 1,200 Pavlovas

• 304 kilos of Scorched almonds

• 1,280 kilos of Kumara

• 1,408 kilos of potatoes

• 1,268 packets of Onion soup and tins of Reduced cream

• 380 kilos of Edmonds custard powder

• 110 bottles of Tomato sauce

• 80 tins of Milo





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