Stuff Digital Edition


1. In the Toy Story films, what is written on the bottom of Woody’s boot?

Snake; Bonnie; Rex; or Andy.

2. Macaroni and cheese is made using ... ? Potatoes; pasta; parsnips; or pickles.

3. Guy Fawkes night falls in which month? February; June; April; or November.

4. The 13 island nations that are surrounded by the North Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea are the ... ? East Indies; West Indies; North Indies; or South Indies.

5. If something is ‘‘makebelieve’’ it is ... ? Expensive; imaginary; a secret; or hidden.

6. How many players make up a rugby team?

11; 7; 15; or 12.

7. The platypus is native to New Zealand.

False or true?

8. Which type of creature is Shrek?

Gnome; troll; ogre; or giant.

9. Which country’s flag is this?

Japan; Argentina; South Africa; or Italy.

10. Which type of animal is a greyhound?

Snake; horse; fish; or dog.

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