Stuff Digital Edition

Kids Quiz

1. Madagascar is an island off the coast of . . .

North America; Africa; South America; or Europe?

2. Igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic are types of . . . Rock; glass; wood; or metal?

3. The branch of mathematics that deals with measurement, lines, angles, surfaces and shapes is called . . . Geometry or geography?

4. The main area of a softball field is shaped like a . . . Rectangle; diamond; triangle; or pentagon?

5. The centre of an archery target is called the . . .’s eye. Bison; bat; bull; or bear?

6. The Waitomo Caves are in the ...

South Island or North Island?

7. Someone who makes clothing is called a . . .

Pilot; farmer; reporter; or tailor?

8. Zimbabwe is on which continent?

Asia; Africa; North America; or Europe.

9. Which phrase is often used in the vows when couples marry?

I can; I do; I am; or I might.

10. Sloths fart out of their mouths. True or false?

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