Stuff Digital Edition


1. How many horns did a triceratops have?

One; none; three; or two.

2. Marmalade is made using . . . Apples; bananas; oranges; or plums.

3. Which planet is second closest to the Sun? Jupiter; Earth; Venus; or Uranus.

4. Which is longer?

A mile or a kilometre.

5. Which brothers were the first to fly a plane?

The Marx brothers; the Kennedy brothers; the Grimm brothers; or the Wright brothers.

6. Bolognese sauce takes its name from a city in . . . Austria; Portugal; Italy; or Greece.

7. How many lines are in a haiku poem?

Seven; there is no limit; three; or five.

8. During a storm, which comes first?

The crack of thunder or the flash of lightning.

9. Which ocean lies between Africa and Australia? Atlantic; Indian; Pacific; or Southern.

10. In Eric Hill’s book, Where’s Spot?, what is hiding underneath the bed? A crocodile; a bear; a snake; or Spot.

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