Stuff Digital Edition

Looking back: Shooter dies in accident

A young military man and prize-winning rifle club member is believed to have accidentally shot himself 130 years ago this week, as we take a flick through the archives.

From The Marlborough Express, April 29, 1893.

News reached town at about 3 o’clock this afternoon of the death by shooting of Mr Whitney Griffiths, at the residence of his parents, Whitney Street.

Deceased went home at about two o’clock, and was seen by several just before he went home.

On getting to the house he saw a blackbird, so the servant girl informs his father, who was not at home, and told her he was going to shoot it, and to do so had to get through the study window, the door key not being available.

It is supposed that in doing so he tripped and caught the trigger, the result being that he was shot through the forehead, death, it is believed, being instantaneous.

Dr Alexander was soon on the spot, but he could do nothing, and returned to town with Mr C. J. W. Griffiths, who at once proceeded to see (Coroner) Mr Allen . . .

Deceased was a popular member of Blenheim City Rifles, and was a member of several local clubs. His parents and relatives will have the sympathy of all Blenheim in their sad bereavement. From the classifieds:

PUBLIC NOTICE. On account of the damage to fruit trees on my property, Keiss St, occasioned by stray cows and horses, I hereby give notice that on and after this date, I intend to sue the owners of the said animals for loss sustained.

AG Murdock, Hawkesbury, April 17, 1893.

WANTED – A smart boy for office. Apply in own handwriting to Box 10.

WANTED – A man that will make himself generally useful. Apply Pier Hotel, Picton.

TOYS FOR CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR. Mrs Elbeck has received a splendid assortment of cards, toys, presents &c., including a special line in 1s dolls, penny buzzing bees, penny rattles, 8d pistols.

OMAKA ROAD BOARD. Dangerous approaches. Travellers are cautioned against the dangerous approaches to the New Bridge on Batty’s Cross Road. Douglas Dobson, secretary.

R McMONAGLE, St. Mary’s Boys’ School, will open night school on May 1, at the above address, and give instruction in the following subjects:- Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Algebra, Euclid, Mensuration, Land Surveying, Trigonometry, Architectural, Geometrical and Mechanical Drawing. Note – intending pupils should make early application, and state subjects which they intend to take up.

MARLBOROUGH HOTEL. Jas Penney, proprietor. JP begs to inform his friends and public generally that he has taken over the above hotel, and trusts that by civility and attention to his clients he will merit a fair share of support. Special attention will be given to Country Visitors, and good paddocks and stabling accommodation will be provided for horses. A feature of the hotel in the future will be a first-class table, and all liquors of A1 quality.

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